Projetos de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Extensão Concluídos

Situated Ubiquitous Network

In the context of emerging wireless technologies and in order to ensure an effective ubiquitous environment, it is important to design a smooth link between the heterogeneous wireless technologies to allow the communication between the concerned things (laptop, phone, home appliances, RFID, sensors, ). In this context SUN project has

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Scalable Mining of Complex Social Graphs

The proliferation of user-generated rich web-based social media data, such as microblogs (e.g., short text messages called Tweets on Twitter), blogs, chat rooms, newsgroups, discussion boards, and web sites, ooeer unprecedented opportunities for public health informatics. However, to date, most of the health-related social data has been used to plot

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Systems for Mobile Cloud Computing

WINDS is a research project that proposes to investigate the communication tech-nologies related to cloud applications being accessed by mobile clients. Those clients are either classic devices such as tablets, smartphones and mobile computers, or things (embedded systems with networking capabilities). Cloud computing is one of the most successful paradigms

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Circuitos integrados para Redes Aquáticas

O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um protótipo de hardware para tratar a comunicação e a cooperação de entidades computacionais em redes de sensores aquáticas, facilitando o trabalho do homem, aumentando sua produtividade e melhorando a qualidade de vida. Como instância inicial deste projeto, será tratado o problema de desenvolvimento

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