Multiple Autonomous Robot Software
At the University of Pennsylvania, our MARS2020 research thrust is to establish the overall paradigm, modeling framework and the software architecture to enable a minimum number of human operators to manage a heterogeneous robotic team with varying degrees of autonomy. The central features of our approach are to organize the robotic platforms for network centric autonomous operations; to develop small team communication-sensitive behaviors, which allow robots to perform alongside humans as full team members; to enable the team to learn and adapt to changing terrain conditions that may impact communication network performance and localization information (e.g., GPS, line of sight sensing, etc.); and to develop computationally distributed strategies to provide an unprecedented level of situational awareness. The effort will result in an integrated team of UAVs and UGVs, in which the team and the network will adapt to the needs and commands of a remotely located human operator to provide situational awareness.
Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (0) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (0) / Mestrado profissionalizante: (0) / Doutorado: (0) .
Integrantes: Luiz Chaimowicz – Integrante / Vijay Kumar – Coordenador / Antony Cowley – Integrante / Camilo Taylor – Integrante / Ben Grocholsky – Integrante / James Keller – Integrante / Daniel Gomez Ibanez – Integrante / Ani Hsieh – Integrante / Hwa-chow Hsu – Integrante / Rahul Swaminathan – Integrante / Eglantine Dang – Integrante.
Início: 2003
Término: 2004
Situação: Encerrado