LerNET (Language Engineering and Rigourous Software Development) is a network of higher education and research institutions in the Area of Computer Science, formed under the auspices of the European Comission ALFA Programme (Latin America Academic Training) programme. 

Integrantes: Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo – Integrante / Luis Soares Barbosa – Coordenador / Gilles Barthe – Integrante / Jorge Souza Pinto – Integrante / Petr Dybjer – Integrante / Ana Bowe- Integrante / Doaitse Swierstra – Integrante / Pascual Julian Iranzo – Integrante / Gustavo Villavicencio – Integrante / Francisco Correa – Integrante / Roberto Uzal – Integrante.

Início: 2005
Término: 2009
Situação: Encerrado