Professor do Nokia Bell Labs Campridge (UK) aborda os mitos predominantes em torno da IA em palestra presencial

Na próxima segunda-feira, 21, às 14 horas, na sala 2077 do Instituto de Ciências Exatas da UFMG, o professor Daniele Quercia, do Nokia Bell Labs Campridge (UK), irá proferir a palestra “Addressing Misconceptions: Dispelling Myths in Responsible AI Practices”, presencialmente e sem necessidade de inscrição.

In this talk, Daniele will dive deep into debunking some prevalent myths surrounding responsible AI, crucial for informed decision-making. By challenging these misconceptions, we can pave the way for ethical and effective AI practices. Controversial opinions and discussion heavily encouraged – themes include:

  • The use of impact assessments.
  • The use and components of risk scoring.
  • AI will take your job.
  • AI and human intelligence.
  • AI regulation will stifle innovation.
  • Bias should always be eliminated.
  • AI will be a competitive advantage.

Daniele Quercia is Director of Responsible AI at Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge (UK) and Professor of Urban Informatics at the Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) at King’s College London. He has been named one of Fortune magazine’s 2014 Data All-Stars, and spoke about “happy maps” at TED. He was Research Scientist at Yahoo Labs, a Horizon senior researcher at the University of Cambridge, and Postdoctoral Associate at the department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. He received his PhD from UC London.

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