Post-doctoral fellowship in 5G slicing, orchestration and programmability

Subject: Research in 5G and B5G slicing, orchestration and programmability

Possible working places (universities in Brazil): UFMG, UFES, UFRGS, UNICAMP, UNISINOS

Post-doctoral fellowship: Monthly stipend of R$ 9.318,90 (about USD 1,730 and EUR 1,600) plus research contingency funds and moving assistance.

Deadline to apply: July 15th, 2024

Beginning at: Aug-Sep, 2024

Duration: 18 Months

We are seeking candidates for an 18-month (or 12 months) postdoctoral fellowship to work on a joint research project among these Brazilian institutions or universities: UFMG, UFES, UFRGS, UNICAMP, UNISINOS. The place of work is flexible, in one of the cities of the partners. The selected candidate will be allocated to one of the partner universities and will work with consortium researchers. 

More information, including list of documents, in:

Interested candidates should fill out the online form  by July  15th, 2024 

Contact: Prof. Vinícius Mota (UFES) <>
(cc: Prof. José Marcos Nogueira <>, PI of PORVIR-5G)

Project web site: PORVIR-5G Project | Innovative and disruptive technologies to …GitHub

Data limite para candidatura: 15/07/2024

Tipo: Bolsa

Situação: Encerrado

Link para candidatura: