O curso será ministrado em inglês pela equipe do MediaLabs / MIT.
Data e local: 23/4 de 9h às 12h, Sala 1027 do ICEx
1. Getting a local environment installed with D3plus
2. Creating SVG data visualizations in the browser using D3plus
– Creating a single variable visualization
– Creating multiple variable visualizations
– Creating networks and geographic maps
3. Working with live data via the COMTRADE public API
– Learning the API
– Creating nested tree maps of export data
– Using D3plus to add user interface elements to the visualizations
4. Creating the product space with COMTRADE data
– Calculating RCA
– Adding advanced user interface elements
– Creating a single variable visualization
– Creating multiple variable visualizations
– Creating networks and geographic maps
3. Working with live data via the COMTRADE public API
– Learning the API
– Creating nested tree maps of export data
– Using D3plus to add user interface elements to the visualizations
4. Creating the product space with COMTRADE data
– Calculating RCA
– Adding advanced user interface elements