Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro

CNPq research fellow: 1B

Research areas:
  • Internet of things
  • Computer networks

PhD, UFMG, 1996

Room: 6333
Phone: 5872

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Last update: 2023/06/05


Current projects

2018 a AtualCriotécnicas, Nanofabricação e Microanálise no Centro de Microscopia da UFMG
O objetivo desta proposta é potencializar o uso das ferramentas disponíveis no Centro de Microscopia. No que concerne as ciências da vida, um dos temas versa sobre crio-microscopia, que tem o professor Gregory Kitten como investigador principal, e atual diretor do Centro de Microscopia. No que concerne as ciências físicas, o prof. Wagner Nunes Rodrigues, vice-diretor do centro, supervisiona os instrumentos do parque que atendem a comunidade das áreas de Física, Química, Engenharias e Geologia, e instrumentação em geral. O coordenador deste projeto, cuida da questão de contratos e parcerias com empresas privadas, por ser também diretor do Núcleo de Inovação tecnológica. Do ponto de vista de pesquisa pertinente ao projeto, o coordenador é responsável pela microscopia de tunelamento em ultra-alto vácuo, e implementação da técnica de microscopia de impedância por reflexão de microondas.
Integrantes: Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro (coordenador), Wagner Nunes Rodrigues, gregory kitten.

Current applied research projects

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Recent publications

Articles in journals

Development and validation of an AI-Driven model for the La Rance tidal barrage: A generalisable case study
Prediction-free, real-time flexible control of tidal lagoons through Proximal Policy Optimisation: A case study for the Swansea Lagoon
Raman spectra of twisted bilayer graphene close to the magic angle
2022. 2D Materials.
Control Optimisation Baselines for Tidal Range Structures-CoBaseTRS
2022. Software Impacts.
Multiscale Numerical Modeling for Near-Field Microwave Impedance Microscopy
2022. 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).
Localization of lattice dynamics in low-angle twisted bilayer graphene
2021. NATURE.
Twisted Bilayer Graphene: A Versatile Fabrication Method and the Detection of Variable Nanometric Strain Caused by Twist-Angle Disorder
2021. ACS Applied Nano Materials.
The limits of near field immersion microwave microscopy evaluated by imaging bilayer graphene moiré patterns
2021. Nature Communications.
Shape Transition Of Germanium Nanocrystals On A Silicon (001) Surface From Pyramids To Domes
1998. Science.
Electron And Hole Energy-Levels In Inas Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
1995. Applied Physics Letters.

Papers in conferences

Near-field microwave microscopy of nanostructured materials: modeling and experiment
2021. LowDimensional Materials and Devices 2021.
Near-field microwave microscopy and processing of nanostructured materials
2020. LowDimensional Materials and Devices 2020.
Observation of moiré superlattices on twisted bilayer graphene by scanning microwave impedance microscopy
2020. LowDimensional Materials and Devices 2020.
Opportunities for transition metal oxide devices in solid state random number generators
2019. LowDimensional Materials and Devices 2019. 3
In-vacuum work function measurement system
2016. 2016 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation Systems, Circuits and Transducers (INSCIT). 4
Equilibrium And Size Distributions Of Clusters During Strained Epitaxial Growth
1999. Lawrence Symposium on Critical Issues in Epitaxy.

Extended abstracts in conferences

Abstracts in conferences

Spin properties of s-state electrons trapped in InAs QDs
2002. Materials Research Society Meeting.
Dislocation Free Island Formation In Ge:Si(001) Heteroepitaxy
1998. March meeting.
Shape Transition Of Ge Nanocrystals On Si (001): From Pyramids To Domes
1997. MRS Fall Meeting.
Epitaxial Growth Of Ge Islands On Si (001)
1997. ACS Meeting.

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Current students



ELISANGELA DIAS MENEZES. Estratégias de proteção de propriedade intelectual para meios digitais. Início: 2022. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Orientador principal)

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